Jun 2, 2024

The River of Life: A Look at Ezekiel 47
By: Rev. Dan Massey
Join Pastor Dan Massey as he explores Ezekiel 47. Delve into the transformative power of faith, the significance of embracing the Holy Spirit, and the impact of stepping out of your comfort zone. Through personal anecdotes and insightful reflections, Pastor Dan delivers a message of hope, encouragement, and spiritual growth that will resonate with your faith journey. Join us for an enriching discussion that will inspire and uplift your spirit, providing valuable insights into the journey of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Jun 2, 2024The River of Life: A Look at Ezekiel 47
Jun 2, 2024The River of Life: A Look at Ezekiel 47By: Rev. Dan MasseyJoin Pastor Dan Massey as he explores Ezekiel 47. Delve into the transformative power of faith, the significance of embracing the Holy Spirit, and the impact of stepping out of your comfort zone. Through personal anecdotes and insightful reflections, Pastor Dan delivers a message of hope, encouragement, and spiritual growth that will resonate with your faith journey. Join us for an enriching discussion that will inspire and uplift your spirit, providing valuable insights into the journey of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.
- May 12, 2024Partnership with the Spirit
May 12, 2024Partnership with the SpiritBy: Guest SpeakerJoin guest speaker Joe Steckley, the campus staff person with P2C at Carleton University in Ottawa. Dive into a thought-provoking discussion on recognizing, remembering, and responding to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Discover the importance of prioritizing a relationship with God, seeking spiritual growth, and embracing faithfulness in our journey with Jesus. Explore the impact of community support, the value of staying connected to God's work, and the significance of obedience in following the path of faith.
- Mar 31, 2024From Dollarama to Divine Revelation – Easter Sunday 2024
Mar 31, 2024From Dollarama to Divine Revelation – Easter Sunday 2024By: Rev. Thomas EngIn this Easter Sunday sermon, Pastor Thomas Eng reflects on the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the appreciation for what God and Jesus accomplished in those three days, paying for our sins and offering eternal life. Pastor Thomas explores the relationship between Jesus as the triumphant King and the teachings in the Book of Proverbs. He also discusses the symbolism of the lily representing life and the crown of thorns representing death, highlighting how God designed these elements to coexist. The sermon delves into the concept of time passing and its relativity, emphasizing the central moment in history when Jesus died on the cross to pave the way for our salvation. He reminds listeners of the love of God the Father and the sacrifice made by Jesus, ultimately offering hope and new life.
- Jan 21, 2024Proverbs – Words to Live By – Part IX
Jan 21, 2024Proverbs – Words to Live By – Part IXIn this sermon, Pastor Thomas shares his three points for a successful marriage: commit, communicate, and celebrate. He emphasizes the importance of having Christ in your life to guide you in these areas and to overcome any failures or breakdowns in the relationship. The sermon also touches on the wisdom of God in staying committed and loyal to your partner. Overall, the message encourages listeners to strive for strong and healthy marriages that serve as examples to those around them. To be clear, Pastor Thomas's intent is to speak to couples with normal struggles, not relationships that are toxic with abuse, abandonment or infidelity. If that is your situation, please seek help. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. Here are some resources, you may find useful:
https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health- promotion/stop-family- violence/services.html - Nov 12, 2023A look at the book of Ruth
Nov 12, 2023A look at the book of RuthBy: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz Mayer for a deep dive into chapters 1 & 2 of the Book of Ruth.
- Sep 3, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – Jesus as a boy
Sep 3, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – Jesus as a boyBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he looks at the life of Jesus as a boy. This is the last sermon in his 3 part kid friendly summer sermon series.
- Aug 27, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – King Josiah
Aug 27, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – King JosiahBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he looks at the life of King Josiah who ascended to the throne of Israel at the age of 8 years old.
- Aug 20, 2023The Calling
Aug 20, 2023The CallingBy: Doug WiemerJoin Jordan Ruby, Pastoral intern at Pine Grove Community Church as he shares the message.
- Aug 13, 2023Enduring Heart Ministries: A Place of Encouragement, Rest, and Refuge
Aug 13, 2023Enduring Heart Ministries: A Place of Encouragement, Rest, and RefugeBy: Doug WiemerJoin Doug as he shares his testimony and talks about what God is doing in his and Sandy's life. He also speaks about Enduring Heart Ministries, which aims to provide encouragement, rest, and refuge for healing the hearts of God's people.
- Aug 6, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – Samuel
Aug 6, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – SamuelBy: Rev. Thomas EngPastor Thomas looks at the life of Samuel, the first in a child-friendly 3 part sermon series this month at Church.
- Jul 30, 2023Pastor Liz’s Farewell Sermon
Jul 30, 2023Pastor Liz’s Farewell SermonBy: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz as she shares her last sermon at North Grenville Community Church. She will move on to be the lead pastor of Polson Park FMC in August 2023.
- Jun 25, 2023Baptism
- Jun 18, 2023The Story of Abraham and Isaac: A Lesson on Faith and Trust | Genesis 22
Jun 18, 2023The Story of Abraham and Isaac: A Lesson on Faith and Trust | Genesis 22By: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz as she discusses Genesis 22, where God tests Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. She explains that this test shows the progress of Abraham’s trust in God and the difference between obeying and trusting God. Pastor Liz invites you to read along and ask questions as we explore the story together.
- May 7, 2023How Is It Between Us?
May 7, 2023How Is It Between Us?By: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz as she asks the question, how is your soul? This message includes worship and communion. Please use the timestamps to navigate around the episode. Timestamps: 00:00 - How is your Soul? 06:36 - Worship Music 19:15 - Scripture Reading James 5:13-18 20:09 - Sermon 37:31 - Communion
- Apr 9, 2023Easter Sunday – April 9, 2023
Apr 9, 2023Easter Sunday – April 9, 2023By: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas for his Resurrection Sunday sermon.
- Apr 2, 2023Palm Sunday – April 2, 2023
Apr 2, 2023Palm Sunday – April 2, 2023By: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as found in Acts 19.
- Feb 5, 2023Testimony Time
Feb 5, 2023Testimony TimeBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he asks the Church congregation to share what God is doing in their lives.
- Jan 8, 2023Hope in the Hard Times
Jan 8, 2023Hope in the Hard TimesBy: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz as she compares and contrasts the lives of the two Josephs, Joseph the son of Jacob, and Joseph the earthly father of Jesus.
- Jan 1, 2023See I am Doing a New Thing
Jan 1, 2023See I am Doing a New ThingBy: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Thomas as he preaches a message of hope for a new year.
- Nov 13, 2022Overcoming Fear and Fulfilling a Mission
Nov 13, 2022Overcoming Fear and Fulfilling a MissionBy: Guest SpeakerRev. Dean Babcock with his wife Stephanie and their children are missionaries serving in Malawi. Join Dean as he fills you in on their work in Malawi, and how they are helping local farmers grow enough food to feed their families and prevent hunger. He also discusses how we can overcome fear in our own lives. You can find out more about their ministry here http://www.jesuslovesmalawi.com/
- Oct 11, 2022A Deeper Dive – Thanksgiving Sermon Review – October 9, 2022
Oct 11, 2022A Deeper Dive – Thanksgiving Sermon Review – October 9, 2022By: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he looks at thankfulness as found in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18 and consider the following questions:1. What are you thankful for?2. What encourages you? Think beyond the simple or obvious answers.Music can help you rejoice and praise God, which in turn can help you be thankful. Do you have any songs that help you rejoice and praise God? If so which ones?
- Jun 19, 2022Father’s Day
- May 1, 2022The Holy Spirit: Recap & Review
May 1, 2022The Holy Spirit: Recap & ReviewBy: Rev. Thomas EngPastor Thomas presents a look back and forward on our discussion of the Holy Spirit.
- Apr 24, 2022Feed My Sheep
Apr 24, 2022Feed My SheepBy: Rev. Liz StewartPastor Liz talks about the grace and mercy of God in this post resurrection message called "Feed My Sheep"
- Mar 27, 2022The Promises of God
Mar 27, 2022The Promises of GodBy: Rev. Liz StewartPastor Liz talks about the promises of God and how we can trust him.