We are glad that you have found us. We are just a bunch of ordinary people connecting with each other, our community and the God who loves us all. We think church should make sense to regular, every-day people. It doesn’t matter if you have a church background or not – we just want to figure out what it means to follow Jesus together and to share His love with the community around us.
So, we hope you’ll join us as we gather for worship online and in person on Sundays at 10 AM. We’d love to meet you!
Upcoming Events
Please note that our Livestream is on hold and will return on Sunday September 8th at 10 AM and Wednesday Prayer is on hold and will return on Wednesday September 3rd at 10:30 AM. We are still meeting for in person worship services on Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
Keep In Touch
Visit/Mail/Fax Us
North Grenville
Community Church
2659 Concession Rd. Box 1685
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Tel: (613) 258-4815
Fax: (613) 258-0434
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Your donation helps us reach our community with the life giving message of Jesus Christ and serve our community through our outreach efforts like the Kerith Debt Freedom Centre. Donations are gratefully received through Tithe.ly.