Sunday February 10, 2019


There are still some spots available to pray during the 24 prayer retreat.  There is a sign up poster in the foyer.  For more info about the Prayer Retreat and the 50 Days of Prayer initiative, please see inside the bulletin.

Sunday February 3, 2019

In the coming days we will be devoting ourselves to prayer as a Church.  More information about the 50 Days of Prayer and the 24 Hour Prayer Retreat inside.

Sunday January 13, 2019

Sunday’s bulletin is available for download at


FUEL Night resumes this week, Wednesday at 6:30 PM.  Classes/activities for Adults, youth and kids.  Everyone is welcome to join in.

There is a free celebration event as part of the Capitalyze Conference happening Jan 18-19th at the Met in Ottawa.  More details inside.

Sunday January 6, 2019

Happy New Year!  Pastor Thomas, Pastor Liz and I trust that you had a blessed Christmas with your family and friends.  We are very much looking forward to what God has in store for our Church in 2019 and would love for you to be a part of it.
We will put away the Christmas decorations after the service on Sunday.  If you are available to stick around, we could really use your help.
Fuel Night resumes on Wednesday January 16th at 6:30 PM.  Don’t miss out!  There will be classes/activities for adults, youth and kids.  More info about Fuel Night can be found here:

Sunday December 23, 2018

There will be a family friendly Candlelight Christmas Eve Service starting at 6:30 PM.  Be sure to join us, we would love to celebrate the Saviour with you.  
May you have a blessed and Merry Christmas.

Sunday November 11, 2018

Highlights and Extra Info:  
We can still take your Operation Christmas Child Shoebox!  Bring it on Sunday or up until Friday the 16th to the Church.  
Join us for a movie night on Friday the 16th and family Sunday on the 18th.  More information inside.

Sunday November 4, 2018

Highlights and Extra Info:  
Join us for the bag stapling party tomorrow at the Church and help us get ready for Fill-A-Bag.  Party starts at 9 and will be over by 12 noon.  Refreshments will be served.  If you have a stapler, please bring it along.  Staples will be supplied.  If you can’t come for the whole morning, just come when you can.  
Join us for a movie night on November 16th, more info inside.  
And lastly, the November Family Sunday Lunch will be held on November 18th.

Sunday October 28, 2018

Highlights and Extra Info:
Please note that Fuel Night on Wednesday will be cancelled because of Halloween.  Fuel will resume Wednesday, November 7th.
There will be a family Sunday meal following the service on Sunday.  Everyone is welcome to stay and enjoy the meal.  Thanks to everyone who has signed up to bring something for the main meal.  Your contributions will really help take the pressure off of our Pastoral Care team.  Didn’t sign up to bring a main course item?  Donations of desserts are always gratefully received.
Fill-A-Bag is coming and there are many ways to be involved.  More information inside.

Sunday October 14, 2018

Highlights & Extra Info:

The 10th Annual Fill-A-Bag Campaign is coming!  Grab a stapler and join us for a stapling party on Saturday, November 3rd from 9 AM – 12 Noon at the Church.  Refreshments will be served to keep up your stapling strength.  Please sign up in the Church foyer.   The Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Campaign has begun.  Boxes are available in the Church foyer.  Shoebox dedication Sunday will be on November 4th.

Sunday September 30, 2018